Hi, I’m Linda. I grew up in Wisconsin with parents who loved the outdoors and instilled that love in me, my brother and sister. As a young adult I spent many years in eastern Montana among the sagebrush and rattlesnakes, and it was there that I met and married my husband.
For the past 13 years we have been blessed to live with our two dogs and a bird, in a lush temperate rain forest, on a narrow peninsula between the pacific ocean and an inland bay.
Living in a rain forest can be a very soggy experience! With an average rainfall of 80 inches annually, (this year we’ve already reached half that as of May 1) it is a place where some of the old growth stands of sitka spruce, western hemlock and western red cedar continue to tower like wise sentinels, where giant slugs move silently across the forest floor, and more than 200 varieties of moss cling to everything.
Nature is where I find the Divine. It is not complicated. Nature is one of the few places my ego has no job. It is a place where a familiar stretch of trail, or a sweet ferny glade can look completely different every time I visit depending on the time of day, slant of light, cloud cover. Each day there is some secret space that whispers to me, that awes and delights me. This blog is my way of trying to share some of those amazing moments with you.